an image of an engwe m20 electric bike and text saying ENGWE M20 Electric Bike Review UK 2023

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Introduction: The ENGWE M20 – A Game Changer in E-Bike Evolution

As the electric bike landscape evolves, the ENGWE M20 promises to be a trailblazer.

Packed with power, style, and functionality, this e-bike is turning heads in the UK market.

But what makes it stand out?

Let’s dive into our review.

Power and Performance

an image of the engwe m20 electric bike in green and black
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The Engine Beneath – A Brushless Marvel

The ENGWE M20 isn’t just about looking good.

With its robust 750W motor, which can peak at a whopping 1000W, hills and slopes will feel like flat roads.

The torque of 55 Nm ensures smooth acceleration, while the option to switch between pure electric, assisted, and pedal modes makes it the ideal companion for every urban commuter.

Dual Battery – Double the Distance

One of the key highlights of the ENGWE M20 is its dual-frame batteries.

While many e-bikes struggle with range, the M20 offers a staggering 93 miles in PAS mode.

For the adventurous, this means more exploration and fewer charging stops.

Fat Tyres for All Terrains

The 4.0″ fat tyres are not just about aesthetics.

Whether it’s a city street or a mountain trail, these tyres promise stability, safety, and a smooth ride.

Comfort and Design

an image of the engwe m20 electric bike front view, in green and black
Click the image to go to the main sales page

Dual System Shocks for Smooth Rides

Every bump and pothole becomes less noticeable with the M20’s front hydraulic and rear pneumatic shock absorbers.

For those familiar with the discomfort of ordinary e-bikes, this feature is a game-changer.

Sleek and Functional

ENGWE’s design philosophy shines through with the M20.

Combining sleek design elements with functional features, it’s clear that this e-bike is built for the modern rider.

Safety First

With dual disc brakes on both wheels, stopping is smooth and immediate. Whether it’s a sudden stop in the city or a descent on a mountain trail, the M20 ensures you’re always in control.

Additional Specifications and Features

Lightweight Frame for Easy Handling

Made from aluminium alloy, the M20 is 40% lighter than its high-carbon steel counterparts.

This makes it easy to handle, especially for those looking for a lightweight commuting solution.

Shimano 7-Speed Gears – Control at Your Fingertips

The inclusion of Shimano 7-speed gears means riders can adapt to any terrain with ease.

Combined with the 160mm front and rear mechanical disc brakes, the ENGWE M20 promises both control and safety.

LED Lights for Night-time Adventures

ENGWE M20 Electric Bike1 lights 1

For those who love a late-night ride or early-morning commutes, the LED lights ensure visibility and safety.

Conclusion: ENGWE M20 Dual Suspension Dual Battery E-Bike – Worth the Investment?

After a comprehensive review, it’s clear that the ENGWE M20 is more than just another e-bike.

With its combination of power, design, and functionality, it promises to be a reliable companion for both daily commutes and weekend adventures.

For those in the UK looking for an e-bike that delivers on all fronts, the ENGWE M20 is a top contender.


How long does the ENGWE M20 take to charge?

The M20 typically takes between 6 to 8 hours to charge fully. If you’re looking for tips on safely charging e-bikes, check out our guide on how to charge your electric scooter safely in the UK.

Is the ENGWE M20 suitable for off-road adventures?

Absolutely! The 4.0″ fat tyres and dual system shocks ensure that the M20 is suitable for both urban streets and mountain trails.

What’s the maximum weight capacity of the ENGWE M20?

The M20 can support riders up to 264.55 lbs (120 kg). If you’re looking for e-bikes that support more weight, we have a list of the best e-bikes for heavy riders.

Can I use one battery at a time?

Yes, the dual frame batteries in the M20 can be used either separately or together, allowing flexibility in how you use and charge them.

How does the ENGWE M20 compare to other e-bikes in its price range?

The ENGWE M20 offers features commonly found in high-end models but at a more affordable price point. For a comprehensive comparison, check out our list of the best electric bikes under £1000 in the UK.

Final Thoughts

The ENGWE M20 Dual Suspension Dual Battery E-Bike isn’t just an e-bike; it’s a statement.

It promises to redefine what riders expect from e-bikes, offering a perfect blend of style, functionality, and power.

Whether you’re a daily commuter, a weekend adventurer, or someone looking to switch to a greener mode of transport, the M20 is tailored to meet your needs.

As we continue to explore the evolving world of e-bikes on our platform, it’s clear that the ENGWE M20 is setting the bar high for its competitors.

Thank you, dear readers, for joining us on this comprehensive review.

We hope it aids you in making an informed decision.

Safe riding!

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